
Erica Coston


Erica’s love of pampering dogs was an inborn one; at six years old, one of the first things she did when she was surprised with a yellow lab puppy was paint her nails and push her around in a doll stroller. In her childhood, she brought home kittens, rabbits and turtles and rigged things from moving boxes to play sets to make a comfortable home for them. She later transferred this love for animals by volunteering at multiple animal nonprofits around the country including Helping Hands Pet Rescue in Gainesville, FL, raising over $2,000 for homeless pets while attending the University of Florida, as well as volunteering at animal nonprofits including PAWS in San Diego, CA, Maxfund Animal Adoption Center in Denver, CO, and Pet Alliance of Orlando, FL. She has always enjoyed helping animals and says her passion for advocating for animals will be with her for as long as she is here on Earth.

“Unlike humans, dogs cannot speak up for themselves, get a job or drive themselves anywhere, but like humans, they are victims of abuse and neglect. Historically, we brought dogs into this world to help us, but now with technology and other things, humans don’t find a need for pets but rather a want, and unfortunately pets are very mistreated and at the receiving end of problems with humanity.”

Outside of her nonprofit, Erica practices as a Clinical Canine Herbalist and Animal Reiki Practitioner. Animal Reiki is founded on love and compassion and helps animals to find balance in mind, body and spirit. She feels strongly this work compliments and enhances her shelter grooming.

“I enjoy incorporating energy work with dog grooming. The energy in the grooming environment can greatly impact the dog’s grooming experience. Energy mindfulness is more essential than a ‘perfect’ haircut because it is all about the comfort and mental, physical and emotional well-being of the dog.”

In Groom for Love’s approach to grooming, it is critical to put the health and comfort of the animal first, and the aesthetics are just the ‘cherry on top’. The organization also stands by all natural grooming shampoos to avoid chemicals completely, and follows very strict safety and comfort grooming protocols so we are only working to improve the overall longterm health and comfort.

Erica believes we can use living alongside dogs as a good character check, and if more people looked at it this way, and worked on building a compassionate, respectful and loving relationship with dogs, then dogs could be the spiritual leaders of the future. This respect, patience and understanding relationship with dogs may also serve to help the world see less dogs being surrendered from owners to shelters, and thus also lower the amount of euthanized shelter pets in the world.

“Dogs are so grounding; it’s hard, if at all possible, to hide your inner emotions from a dog. Dogs don’t think they just feel, and they’re extremely intuitive. Often times, we can use them as mirrors for what is going on inside of us. If you are open to this perspective, then owning a dog can work wonders to help you grow and be better, and both of you and the dog will continue to benefit. Dogs are such loving, pure, genuine beings and we can learn a lot about life and ourselves from them.”

Even though most ‘working’ and ‘herding’ dogs are no longer working or herding, dogs can now fulfill a much greater and more beautiful purpose in our lives, helping us mentally, physically and spiritually. We can learn a lot from dogs. Don’t underestimate the power a dog can have on you. The love you give them can be received in tenfold. All dogs need in order to live to their potential and help you live to your potential is love. Groom for Love is here to spread this love to the dogs.

(Seating area at Pet Alliance Orlando)

(Seating area at Pet Alliance Orlando)

Board of Directors (Recruiting)

if interested in being a part of our board please send email to groomforlove.erica@gmail.com

Enthusiasm. Success. Appreciation. Repeat.

2017. Erica’s first day grooming at Maxfund Adoption Center, Denver, CO

2017. Erica’s first day grooming at Maxfund Adoption Center, Denver, CO

Volunteer Groomers (Recruiting)