The Facts


Fact 1

Homeless Companion Animal Population.

Each day 10,000 humans are born in the US and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born. For every one human born there are 15 dogs born and 45 cats born. There currently are not enough space in shelters or homes open to house all of these animals.


Fact 2

Homeless Animal Euthanization

According to, in 2017, 1.5 million companion animals are euthanized in the US animal shelters every year, a decrease from about 2.6 million in 2011. While overall trends are moving in a positive direction, these numbers still high for the amount of animals being put to death much because of not enough room at shelters and adoption rates not being able to be quick enough in comparison.

Also, ASPCA data shows regional disparities in pockets of the U.S., specifically in parts of the South and West ( Transplanting these dogs and cats to other areas has helped, as an estimated 28,000 dogs and cats were relocated in 2017. However, relocation takes time, money and resources. With helping current shelters in the South and West to increase their adoption rates by grooming the animals, we can help the animals to get a home more quickly locally, helping both the stress of the animals and reduction of use of donations and resources in transplanting.

Fact 3

Grooming Effects Behavior, Behavior Effects Adoptability

We also must consider grooming effects on helping behavioral issues. A lot of times matted hair or lack of physical comfort and hygiene are directly correlated with the dogs behavior. After all, wouldn’t you be on the grumpier side if your hair was in knots so tight it was pulling at your skin, and trapped under the matted hair on your skin was bugs, fleas or tics? Or burs caught in your hair poking you everywhere? You get the picture, and I’m sure even reading that made you feel uncomfortable. Imagine how the dogs feel when they are stuck in these conditions and not able to do anything about it themselves.

“It is not uncommon the shelter will tell me ‘just be careful with this spot he gets aggressive’, or ‘he gets snippy when you touch his feet’ when the dog had matted hair in between his paw pads, and was just fine with his paws being touched after the matts were removed. These are key issues easily fixable with grooming, and which greatly play a role in the dog’s chances of being adopted sooner than later”. - Erica Coston, Founder, Groom for Love



The good news is, the number of homeless animals entering shelters has decreased since 2011 and the number of euthanized dogs and cats has also decreased since 2011. We need to continue to reduce these rates while being mindful with our resources and economically, to continue to minimize the amount of homeless dogs and help shelters across the nation. We must investigate the gap between when the homeless dogs are taken it and their attempts at getting a home to see what we can do more efficiently to help speed the process along while helping the dogs be more comfortable. It is up to us not the homeless dogs to continue in the direction of less homeless dogs and less euthanizations.